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About us

This page is run by Friends of Minnamurra River Inc (FOMR).


We are a small Incorporated community organisation of volunteers dedicated to the Minnamurra River, its biodiversity and ecological sustainability. 

We are working with the local community and with all levels of government to ensure that the Minnamurra River estuary area remains as it is  - unique, largely undisturbed and enjoyed by our wildlife and future generations of people.

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Our work

Friends of Minnamurra River Inc (FOMR) was formed by volunteers in the Kiama, NSW, community only in 2017 to give a voice to the Minnamurra River’s largely unmodified Minnamurra River and its fragile estuary ecosystems which came under threat at the time.

The local government, primed by funding from the NSW Government, was proposing to build a tourist-attracting concrete and steel boardwalk structure through the fringing mangroves and right along the middle of the waters of a large part of the beautiful estuary.

The small FOMR band of volunteers fought the proposal for more than two years and garnered increasing support from locals and visitors alike until finally, with a million dollars or more spent (wasted) and with the originally estimated $4.5 million construction costs escalating upwards from $10 million, the NSW Government refused to provide the local government with any more funding and the local government quietly put the project in the ‘too-hard’ basket.

There was no time for FOMR to celebrate before along came Boral Australia’s current proposal to turn a large part of the undisturbed and rare Minnamurra River estuary ecosystems into a noisy sand mining industrial site with pipes, pumps, sand dredges, dust and roads, all surrounded by high earthen walls bulldozed from the catchment soil.

So FOMR is in battle again, giving voice to our constitutional objectives (below) on behalf of the Minnamurra River.

You can join our battle and help stop the destruction and damage to one of the Australian east coast’s estuary treasures.

FOMR – Constitutional Objectives:

  • The objects and purposes of the Association are to

  • Protect and conserve the terrestrial, marine and aquatic ecosystems and natural environments of the Minnamurra River including its catchment, estuary and tributaries;

  • Encourage, promote and assist any actions, programs or measures to protect, conserve and rehabilitate the river and its marine, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and environment;

  • Promote, encourage and assist in the maintenance and enhancement of the natural visual and scenic values of the river, its catchment, its tributaries and its riparian zones;

  • Direct public opinion towards appreciation of the natural environment of the Minnamurra River and its catchment and the need for their conservation;

  • Co-operate with and assist other organisations and people in the promotion of these objects;

  • Promote legislative and administrative action for the furtherance of any of these objects and to oppose any proposed legislative or administrative action that may affect them adversely;

  • Co-ordinate and represent the views, concerns and interests of Members. 

Thanks to our friends and supporters

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